24. října 2022 v 03:21
Many people use psychedelic drugs to try to amplify the fun of a party or concert.
Now a study published this week finds those drugs might keep the good vibes going even after the chemicals have worn off.
Several past studies have found that in a laboratory setting, psychedelic drugs can help lessen anxiety, depression, or PTSD.
The authors of the new study set out to try to find out whether these benefits to mood and mental health hold true in the real world.
So, they went to places where people who use these drugs are likely to be: music festivals.
After talking with more than 1,200 people at a half-dozen festivals, the researchers concluded that psychedelic drugs, such as LSD or “magic mushrooms,” left people feeling more socially connected and in a better mood, even after the drugs had worn off.
These findings, the researchers said, confirm the previous laboratory research.
The new findings add to the evidence that psychedelic drugs may hold some sort of clue to improving mood and possibly treating mental health issues.
However, it may be a while, if ever, before we can make the connection and put the drugs to such uses.
“Psychedelic research is still in its infancy,” Molly Crockett, PhD, the study’s senior author and an assistant professor of psychology at Yale University in Connecticut, told Healthline.
“Our study adds to a growing evidence base of potential mood benefits of psychedelics, but more research needs to be done to realize this potential,” she said.
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