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18. října 2021 v 05:56
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18. října 2021 v 04:14
Thuoc Giao Tan Nha
Can pregnant women prevent premature birth?

The most important things you can do to help have a healthy baby are having your best pre-pregnancy health and prenatal care.

Premature labor and delivery may not be avoided, but the following steps may help:

Try to reduce your stress. Take some quiet time each day and ask for help when you need it.
Researchers have also found a link between gum disease and premature birth, so brush and floss your teeth daily.
If you smoke, quit.
Your doctor will check for risk factors for preterm birth and discuss precautions you should take. Measuring cervical length with a special transvaginal ultrasound probe can help predict the risk of preterm birth. This is usually done between 20 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, if needed.

Recent studies have shown that treatment with a hormone called progesterone can prevent premature birth in some women. Vaginal progesterone is given to pregnant women found to have a short cervix. And women who have had a previous preterm birth and are pregnant with one baby can get a progesterone shot throughout their pregnancy to reduce their risk.

Read more: tay-online-tu-nha-thuoc-truc-tuyen-178.html tuyen-uy-tin-hang-dau-ha-noi-da-nang-tphcm-181.htm l
18. října 2021 v 04:10
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Excellent blog! Thank you and keep it up. Amazing blog. Nice one!
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Excellent blog! Thank you and keep it up. Amazing blog. Nice one!
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